Education and workforce partners throughout the state specialize in various programs and initiatives to address the needs of South Carolinians. This page is a list of partner reports, dashboards, and other information.

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  • Electric Vehicle Workforce: Published by the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce in partial fulfillment of Executive Order 2022-31 by Gov. Henry McMaster, this report is the Evaluation and Analysis of the Electric Vehicle Workforce in South Carolina.
  • 2023 SC Tech Strategic Plan -- SC Competes: SC Tech is an initiative of the South Carolina Council on Competitiveness. It was established with the mission to accelerate growth & innovation while providing a unified voice for the statewide technology community by developing a strong 21st Century workforce, supporting entrepreneurs, connecting peers and decision-makers, and establishing South Carolina as a global hub for innovation.
  • State Plan for Perkins V: The Perkins State Plans and Data Explorer is designed to provide career and technical education (CTE) practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders, with ready access to information and data submitted by States in their Perkins V State plans, covering FY 2020-2023, and Consolidated Annual Reports (CARs), pursuant to the Strengthening Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins V) and its predecessor Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV).
  • Unified State Plan: The Unified State Plan provides a systemwide approach for statewide education and workforce development to streamline and unify the efforts of entities involved throughout the state. It is the comprehensive strategic plan for education and workforce development.
  • Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Annual Report: WIOA is designed to help jobseekers access employment, education, training and support services to succeed in the labor market, and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. This annual report is produced by the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce.
  • For Our Future: South Carolina’s Birth through Five Plan: Published by the South Carolina Early Childhood Advisory Council, a collaborative body consisting of eight state agencies and statewide organizations, this five-year strategic plan provides a comprehensive framework for enhancing the state’s early childhood system.

  • Statewide Education and Workforce Development Act: It seeks to coordinate, align, and enhance all publicly funded workforce development services and centralize oversight of the entities that provide these services to enhance accountability, enhance transparency, and promote a customer-centric workforce system so that the opportunities available through it are easy to access, highly effective, and simple to understand, and to provide a mechanism to marshal workforce development resources and services to meet the immediate and future needs of specialized industry workforce demands and economic development commitments of this State and in specific areas of the State.